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Data Products For Collections

Should Your Efforts be Changing Direction?


Data and data modeling for debt collection and repossession methodology. 

LocateScore offers a wide range of data products, services and analytical tools to help prioritize your debt collection and repossession efforts. We partner with our clients from start to finish, focusing on developing effective data strategies to improve collection and repossession success. Contact us to learn more.

LocateScore Services

Route Planning


LocateScore analyzes the accessibility, turnover, borrower, and location based characteristics of an address resulting in a score for the likelihood of repossession success.

We work with our clients to help them understand the implications of difficult recoveries and how to alter business practices. Get in touch to learn more about how this service can help you.

Business Meeting

Strategic Planning

With years of modeling and data experience, we have the expertise and tools needed to help change the repossession business process.

We are excited to help Forwarders, Lenders, and Agencies shape and improve their business strategy.

People Working in Open Office

LocateScore + Identity

Collections starts with Data, but data is only half of the collections equation.

Guiding collections staff through to the next action and scoring the potential for success allows collectors to save time and increase success rates.


LocateScore + Identity performs a multi-step process of delivering world class data, organizing that data to assist collectors, and scoring to predict collection success.

Does your company need our LocateScore services? Message us today.

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Our Products

Finding the Right Data For Collections and Repossession

Modern Neighborhood


Location Based Analytics
Advanced Geo-Coding Methodology

LocateScore is a location based model to rank order the likelihood of repossession success. Advanced geo-coding methodology also helps clients locate the correct destination on a map.

Modern Home Garage

LocateScore + Property Specific Information

Know Key Property Specific Information to Drive Decisions

LocateScore + Property Provides key information about the property to help make informed decisions. Last sales date and who bought the property help identify if a borrower continues to dwell at the address.

green papers

LocateScore + Identity Address and Phone History

Know your borrowers history. Where they are and have been.

LocateScore + Identity information provides a list of addresses and phone number associated with the borrower. When used in conjunction with MasterQueue clients have a powerful research and call queue data source.

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Industry Partners


MasterQueue provides a comprehensive Call Queue and Collection Software for establishing right party contact and skip tracing. LocateScore is fully integrated into the MasterQueue Software.

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RepoRoute Provides Routing Software to the Repossession industry. LocateScore is fully integrated into the Reporoute Software.

Interested in being a LocateScore Partner?

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Contact Us

Sacramento, CA, USA

(916) 304-4640

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